Curious about those small bottles of herbs? Herbs are a fundamental part of ritual practice, just like crystals. Now is the perfect time to explore their magical uses. We offer a variety of herbs in small bottles giving you the right amount for multiple rituals without requiring a large investment. To ensure you’re getting exactly what you need, each herb is labeled with its botanical name, as common names can vary depending on the location.

Magical herbs are used in rituals for their unique properties, often to amplify intentions, protect, heal, attract love or abundance, enhance psychic abilities, and more. Here’s a detailed breakdown of how herbs are utilized in various ways within magical rituals:

Burning or Smudging

  • Purpose: Purification, protection, cleansing.
  • How: Some herbs like sage, rosemary, and mugwort are burned in a ritual to cleanse a person, space, or object of negative energy. Smudging involves lighting the herb, allowing it to smoke, and wafting the smoke over areas in need of cleansing, usually with a feather or hand. This practice is common in spiritual ceremonies, home blessings, and before other magical workings to create a sacred space.

Herbal Sachets or Charm Bags

  • Purpose: Attracting or protecting certain energies.
  • How: Herbs are placed into small cloth bags or sachets and carried with you, placed under a pillow, or hung in your home. The choice of herbs is based on the intention of the ritual. For example, lavender and rose petals can be combined for love and peace, while bay leaves, rosemary, and basil might be used for protection and prosperity. These are commonly used in love spells, protection rituals, and for enhancing dreams.

Infusions and Potions

  • Purpose: Healing, spiritual connection, attraction.
  • How: Some herbs are steeped in water (tea) or oil to create infusions that can be used for anointing, drinking, or ritual baths. For example, chamomile tea can be sipped for relaxation and protection, or rosemary oil can be used to anoint candles, tools, or yourself in rituals for cleansing and mental clarity. These infusions might also be used to wash ritual spaces, altars, or magical tools to infuse them with specific energies.

Candle Magic

  • Purpose: Amplifying intentions, manifesting desires.
  • How: Herbs are often sprinkled around or rolled onto candles (anointed with oils) that are used in spells and rituals. For example, basil or cinnamon can be added to green candles for prosperity spells, while lavender or rose petals might be added to pink or red candles for love spells. As the candle burns, it releases the energy of the herbs into the universe, helping to manifest the desired outcome.

Herbal Baths

  • Purpose: Cleansing, healing, or attracting specific energies.
  • How: Bathing in water infused with herbs is a ritual act to cleanse the body and spirit. Herbs like rose petals, lavender, and chamomile are added to bathwater for love and relaxation, while rosemary and lemon balm may be used for protection and purification. This can also be a way to anoint yourself in preparation for more extensive rituals.


  • Purpose: Honoring deities, spirits, or ancestors.
  • How: Herbs can be used as offerings in rituals to honor spirits, ancestors, or deities. For example, flowers, such as calendula or marigold, might be offered to solar deities, while frankincense or myrrh might be burned for more sacred or divine connections. The herb’s energetic resonance is chosen based on the entity or purpose of the ritual.

Herb-Crafted Amulets and Talismans

  • Purpose: Protection, healing, and energy alignment.
  • How: Magical practitioners sometimes create amulets by placing specific herbs in containers like jars, bottles, or pouches, often combined with crystals or written spells. These amulets are then carried or placed in sacred spaces to imbue them with specific energies. For instance, a garlic or rosemary pouch might be created for protection, or a mint and basil blend could be designed to attract prosperity.

Anointing and Dressing Ritual Tools

  • Purpose: Empowerment, focus, protection.
  • How: Herbs are used to “dress” or anoint ritual tools (wands, athames, candles, etc.) by sprinkling, rubbing, or burning them on the tools to charge them with their unique energy. For example, a wand might be rubbed with frankincense oil or rosemary to purify and energize it, enhancing its power in future rituals.

Floor Washes and Space Cleansing

  • Purpose: Cleansing spaces, promoting peace and protection.
  • How: Infusions of herbs like lavender, lemon balm, or sage can be added to water and used to wash the floors and walls of a ritual space or home. This ritual helps to cleanse and renew the energy of the environment, promoting protection, peace, and a clean spiritual atmosphere. It’s especially common before starting new endeavors or during seasonal changes.

Sprinkling and Blowing

  • Purpose: Creating protective barriers, manifesting wishes.
  • How: Some herbs are ground into a powder and sprinkled around altars, doors, or ritual circles to create a protective barrier. Other herbs, like bay leaves, may be burned or written upon and then blown into the wind to send intentions out into the universe. Salt and rosemary might be sprinkled across thresholds for protection, while cinnamon can be blown across candles for speed and success in manifesting desires.

Herbal Wreaths and Garlands

  • Purpose: Protection, prosperity, and seasonal magic.
  • How: Herbs can be woven into wreaths or garlands to create protective and empowering tools that can be hung around the home, at ritual altars, or even worn during ceremonies. For example, rosemary or bay leaf garlands are often used for protection, while lavender or rose garlands are used for love rituals. These can also serve as offerings or seasonal decorations, such as during Samhain or Beltane.


  • Purpose: Enhancing psychic abilities, contacting spirits.
  • How: Certain herbs are used to enhance psychic abilities and facilitate communication with spirits. Mugwort or wormwood, for instance, can be burned as incense during divination or scrying sessions to enhance focus and intuition. Bay leaves may also be used under pillows to promote prophetic dreams or visions.

Binding and Banishing Spells

  • Purpose: Protecting, neutralizing harmful energy.
  • How: Some herbs are used in binding or banishing rituals to stop negative energy or people from causing harm. Herbs like black pepper, cayenne, or cloves can be used in spells to bind someone from doing harm, while sage, garlic, and frankincense might be used to banish negative spirits or energies from a space.

Seasonal Rituals (Sabbat Celebrations)

  • Purpose: Honoring nature, celebrating the turning of the Wheel of the Year.
  • How: Herbs are central to celebrating Sabbats in Pagan traditions. For example, Yule (winter solstice) rituals often include evergreen sprigs like pine, while Beltane (spring) rituals may incorporate flowers like hawthorn and roses to symbolize growth and fertility. Herbs aligned with each season’s energy help anchor the ritual in the cycle of the natural world.

Final Thoughts:

The key to using herbs in magical rituals is understanding their symbolic and energetic properties, as well as the specific intention of the ritual. These herbs are empowered through the practitioner’s focus, intention, and understanding of how their natural essence aligns with the desired outcome.

If you’re interested in any specific herbs or types of rituals, I can provide detailed methods or recipes for your magical practice!