Upcoming Mini Blogs on Mystical Teachings

During the next couple of weeks, we will be presenting mini blogs on facebook about mystical teachings and the items in our physical and online store that support these practices. Our aim is to delve into various esoteric traditions, shedding light on the hidden knowledge and specialized tools that can enhance your spiritual journey.

Our Identity: An Esoteric Store


We would like to be known as an Esoteric Store rather than a metaphysical one. While esoteric and metaphysical practices often intersect, we believe that the esoteric path offers a more structured and proven approach to spiritual growth and consciousness.

Esoteric vs. Metaphysical: A Distinction

Esoteric Practices:

  • Structured Knowledge: Esoteric teachings are often part of established traditions with specific rituals, symbols, and processes. These practices have been honed over centuries, providing a clear pathway for spiritual development.
  • Proven Processes: The esoteric path involves tried-and-tested methods that guide individuals through stages of initiation, deepening their understanding and awareness.
  • Focused Teachings: Esoteric knowledge is usually guarded and shared with those who are ready, ensuring that the teachings are respected and properly understood.

Metaphysical Practices:

  • Abstract Concepts: Metaphysics explores broad philosophical questions about existence, reality, and consciousness. These inquiries are often theoretical and open to interpretation.
  • Individual Philosophies: Metaphysical teachings can vary widely, with many differing and sometimes contradictory philosophies. This can lead to confusion for those seeking a clear path to spiritual growth.
  • Obscure Processes: While metaphysical explorations can be profound, they often lack the structured, step-by-step processes found in esoteric traditions.

Why Esoteric Teachings?

Esoteric teachings provide tools that help to increase consciousness through a proven process. By engaging with these practices, individuals can experience a structured and transformative journey, supported by centuries of wisdom and tradition. This contrasts with the often abstract and individually variable nature of metaphysical explorations.


Esoteric Definition: Esoteric knowledge or practices are intended for or understood by only a small, specific group of people. It often involves secret or hidden information that requires special training or initiation.


  • Specialized Knowledge: Requires specific study or initiation.
  • Mystical or Occult Content: Often related to mystical, spiritual, or occult practices.
  • Symbolism: Uses symbols and allegories to convey deeper meanings.
  • Hidden Nature: Knowledge is intentionally kept secret or hidden from the general populace.
  • Examples: Alchemy, Kabbalah, Tarot, Hermeticism, certain mystical traditions.

Metaphysical Definition: Metaphysical refers to the branch of philosophy that deals with the fundamental nature of reality, existence, and the universe. It explores questions that go beyond the physical and empirical.


  • Philosophical Inquiry: Concerns the nature of reality, being, time, and space.
  • Abstract Concepts: Deals with concepts that cannot be observed or measured directly.
  • Universal Questions: Addresses questions about existence, consciousness, and the nature of the universe.
  • Examples: Ontology (study of being), cosmology (study of the universe), the nature of consciousness, theories of time and space.

Key Differences

Audience and Accessibility:

  • Esoteric: Knowledge is restricted to a select group; often involves initiation or special training.
  • Metaphysical: Philosophical concepts are open for exploration by anyone interested, though they can be complex and abstract.


Content and Focus:

  • Esoteric: Focuses on mystical, occult, or secret knowledge; often intertwined with spiritual practices.
  • Metaphysical: Focuses on fundamental questions about existence and reality; rooted in philosophy.

Approach and Methodology:

  • Esoteric: Often involves rituals, symbols, and initiation rites.
  • Metaphysical: Uses logical reasoning and philosophical discourse to explore concepts.


  • Spirituality: Both esoteric and metaphysical inquiries can involve spiritual questions and explore the nature of existence and the universe.
  • Complexity: Both fields can be complex and challenging to understand without dedicated study.

In summary, esoteric knowledge is specialized, often secret, and typically related to mystical or occult practices, whereas metaphysical inquiry is a philosophical exploration of the fundamental nature of reality and existence.

We invite you to explore our upcoming mini blogs and discover the rich, structured world of esoteric knowledge. Our store offers a range of items to support your journey, from ritual tools to symbolic artifacts, all designed to enhance your understanding and practice of these profound teachings.

Stay tuned for insightful content that will deepen your connection to the mystical and esoteric traditions, guiding you on a path to higher consciousness and spiritual growth. The terms “esoteric” and “metaphysical” both pertain to realms beyond everyday experience, but they have distinct meanings and contexts: