
What is Smudging?

Smudging is a traditional practice used by various Indigenous cultures in North America. It involves the burning of sacred herbs or plants, such as sage, cedar, sweetgrass, or palo santo, to produce smoke, which is then used for purification, healing, and spiritual purposes. Here are some reasons why smudging is popular:

1. Cleansing and Purification: Many people believe that smudging helps to cleanse negative energies from a person, place, or object. The smoke is thought to attach itself to negative energy and remove it from the space.

2. Spiritual Connection: Smudging is often used in spiritual or religious ceremonies to create a sacred space and invite positive energies. It is believed to facilitate a stronger connection to the spiritual realm.

3. Mental Clarity and Focus: Some people use smudging as a way to clear their minds and enhance their focus. The ritualistic aspect of smudging can help calm the mind and prepare it for meditation or other mindfulness practices.

4. Aromatherapy Benefits: The scent of burning herbs can have a calming and uplifting effect, similar to aromatherapy. Different herbs are believed to have specific properties that can influence mood and well-being.

5. Cultural and Ancestral Significance: For many Indigenous peoples, smudging is a deeply rooted cultural practice passed down through generations. It holds significant meaning and is an important aspect of their spiritual and cultural identity.

6. Modern Popularity: In recent years, smudging has gained popularity beyond Indigenous communities as part of the broader interest in holistic health, wellness, and alternative spiritual practices. Many people incorporate smudging into their personal routines for its perceived benefits.

Despite its popularity, it’s important to approach smudging with respect and awareness of its cultural origins. Appropriation of Indigenous practices without understanding and honoring their significance can be seen as disrespectful.

Types of Smudging Herbs

California White Sage (Salvia apiana)​

The spiritual properties of using California White Sage (Salvia apiana) are diverse and deeply rooted in various cultural and spiritual traditions. Here are the key spiritual properties:
Cleansing and Purification
  • Energetic Cleansing: Burning White Sage, commonly known as smudging, is believed to cleanse a space, object, or person of negative energies. The smoke is thought to attach to negative energy and carry it away as it dissipates.
  • Spiritual Purification: Beyond just removing negative energy, White Sage is used to purify the spirit and bring about a sense of renewal and freshness.
  • Shielding from Negativity**: White Sage is often used to create a protective barrier that wards off negative influences, harmful spirits, and unwanted energies. This makes it a common practice to smudge homes, especially during stressful times or after a negative event.
  • Aura Protection: Many believe that smudging with White Sage can protect and strengthen one’s aura, the energetic field surrounding the body.
Enhancing Intuition and Mental Clarity
  • Intuitive Enhancement: The aromatic properties of White Sage are thought to enhance intuition, making it a valuable tool for meditation, divination, and other spiritual practices.
  • Mental Clarity: The scent of sage is believed to clear the mind, helping individuals focus better and attain a higher level of mental clarity. This can aid in decision-making and deep thinking.
Connecting to Higher Realms
  • Spiritual Connection: White Sage is used to facilitate a deeper connection with higher realms, spirit guides, ancestors, and deities. It is a common tool in rituals seeking guidance or wisdom from spiritual entities.
  • Ritual Use: It is often used in sacred ceremonies and rituals to open and close spiritual practices, enhancing the overall spiritual experience.
Emotional Balance
  • Promoting Peace and Calm: The use of White Sage can help balance emotions, promote peace, and reduce stress and anxiety. This is particularly useful in creating a tranquil environment for meditation or relaxation.
  • Emotional Release: It can also aid in letting go of emotional baggage, helping individuals move forward with a lighter, more positive outlook.
Grounding and Centering
  • Grounding Energy: White Sage is used to ground and center energy, helping individuals feel more connected to the Earth and their physical bodies. This is especially helpful after intense spiritual work or when feeling scattered and unfocused.
  • Centering Practices: Many people use White Sage in grounding and centering practices to align their energy and bring about a sense of stability and balance.
Spiritual Growth
  • Encouraging Growth: The use of White Sage is believed to support spiritual growth and personal development. It can help individuals break free from old patterns and embrace new paths of spiritual evolution.
These spiritual properties make California White Sage a powerful tool in various spiritual and healing practices. Its use should be approached with respect and mindfulness, honoring its cultural significance and ensuring sustainable practices.

Desert Sage (Artemisia tridentata)

Smudging with Desert Sage (Artemisia tridentata), also known as Big Sagebrush, is a practice rooted in Native American traditions and carries various spiritual and healing properties:

  • Cleansing and Purification: Desert Sage is believed to have powerful cleansing properties. Smudging with it is thought to clear negative energy from a space, person, or object, making way for positive energy and spiritual clarity.
  • Protection: It is often used for protection against negative influences and harmful spirits. The smoke is thought to create a protective barrier around the person or area being smudged.
  • Healing: Desert Sage is used in healing rituals. Its properties are believed to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual healing by removing stagnant energy and promoting a balanced flow of energy.
  • Enhancing Intuition: The herb is thought to enhance intuition and psychic abilities. Smudging with Desert Sage can help deepen meditation, improve focus, and connect more deeply with one’s inner self and spiritual guides.
  • Calming and Centering: The practice of smudging with Desert Sage is also known to have a calming effect on the mind and body, aiding in stress reduction and emotional balance.
  • Sacred Rituals: It is used in various sacred rituals and ceremonies to invoke the presence of spirits, ancestors, and deities, seeking their guidance and blessings.

The practice of smudging with Desert Sage is deeply respected and should be approached with mindfulness and cultural sensitivity, honoring the traditions from which it originates.

Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris)

Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) has a long history of use in various spiritual and magical practices. When used as a smudge bundle, it is believed to offer several benefits:

  • Protection: Mugwort is often used for its protective qualities. It is thought to ward off negative energies, spirits, and psychic attacks.
  • Cleansing: Similar to sage, mugwort is used for purification. It is said to cleanse a space or person of negative energies and restore balance.
  • Dreamwork and Divination: Mugwort is closely associated with enhancing dreams and aiding in divination. Burning mugwort is believed to stimulate vivid dreams, enhance intuition, and promote prophetic dreams. It is often used before sleep to aid in dream recall and lucid dreaming.
  • Psychic Abilities: Mugwort is thought to enhance psychic abilities, such as clairvoyance, clairaudience, and overall intuitive insight. It is used to open the third eye and increase spiritual awareness.
  • Spiritual Journeys: The herb is used in rituals and ceremonies to aid in spiritual journeys and astral travel. It is believed to help facilitate out-of-body experiences and connect with higher realms.
  • Healing: Mugwort is also associated with healing on a spiritual level. It is used to promote emotional and spiritual healing, often through the release of past traumas and negative patterns.

To use mugwort as a smudge bundle, light the end of the bundle until it smolders and produces smoke. Move the smudge stick around the space, person, or object that you wish to cleanse or bless, allowing the smoke to permeate the area. As with any smudging practice, it is important to set a clear intention for what you want to achieve and to practice mindfulness and respect for the herb and the tradition.

Blue Sage (Salvia azurea)

Smudging with Blue Sage (Salvia azurea), also known as Azure Blue Sage, carries its own unique set of spiritual properties and benefits. Here are the key spiritual aspects associated with smudging using Salvia azurea:

  • Cleansing and Purification: Like other sages, Blue Sage (Salvia azurea) is used to cleanse and purify spaces, objects, and individuals. It helps in removing negative energies and preparing the environment for positive energies.
  • Healing and Renewal: This type of sage is often associated with healing and renewal. It is believed to aid in emotional healing, helping to release past traumas and facilitate personal growth.
  • Peace and Tranquility: Smudging with Blue Sage can promote a sense of peace and tranquility. It is known for its calming effects, which can reduce stress and anxiety, creating a serene atmosphere.
  • Spiritual Awareness and Clarity: Blue Sage (Salvia azurea) is thought to enhance spiritual awareness and provide clarity. It can aid in meditation and spiritual practices by helping individuals connect more deeply with their spiritual selves.
  • Protection: This sage is also used for protection against negative energies and influences. It is often included in rituals aimed at creating a protective shield around a person or place.
  • Enhancing Intuition: Smudging with Blue Sage can help enhance intuition and psychic abilities. It is believed to open the mind to higher states of consciousness and improve spiritual insight.
  • Connection to the Divine: Blue Sage is thought to facilitate a stronger connection to the divine and the spiritual realm. It can help individuals feel more connected to their spiritual guides and the universe.
  • Grounding and Centering: Despite its uplifting properties, Blue Sage also provides grounding and centering effects. It helps in balancing emotions and stabilizing the mind, promoting overall well-being.

Using Blue Sage (Salvia azurea) in smudging rituals can create a harmonious balance of cleansing, protection, and spiritual enhancement, contributing to a holistic sense of well-being and spiritual growth.

Yerba Santa (Eridictyon californium

Yerba Santa (Eriodictyon californicum) is a plant native to the southwestern United States and northern Mexico, known for its use in traditional Native American and Mexican spiritual practices. Smudging with Yerba Santa is believed to carry several spiritual properties:


  • Healing and Protection: Yerba Santa is often used to promote physical and spiritual healing. It is believed to protect against negative energy and to provide a shield of spiritual protection.
  • Purification: Like other smudging herbs, Yerba Santa is used to cleanse spaces, objects, and individuals of negative energies. It is said to purify the environment and the spirit.
  • Enhancing Psychic Abilities: Some traditions use Yerba Santa to enhance intuition and psychic abilities. It is believed to help open the third eye and increase spiritual awareness.
  • Emotional Support: Smudging with Yerba Santa is thought to help release emotional pain and past traumas, promoting emotional healing and comfort.
  • Spiritual Growth: The herb is often used in rituals and ceremonies aimed at spiritual growth and enlightenment. It is believed to aid in connecting with higher spiritual realms and in achieving a deeper understanding of the self.
  • Grounding and Centering: Yerba Santa is also used to ground and center one’s energy, helping individuals to feel more balanced and connected to the earth.


When smudging with Yerba Santa, the dried leaves are typically burned, and the smoke is wafted over the person, object, or space intended for cleansing. The process is often accompanied by prayers, chants, or intentions to amplify the herb’s spiritual effects.

Rosemary (Salvia rosemaries)

Smudging with rosemary (Salvia rosmarinus) is a practice rooted in various spiritual and cultural traditions. Rosemary, a fragrant herb, is often used for its believed spiritual and energetic properties. Here are some of the key spiritual benefits associated with smudging with rosemary:

  • Cleansing and Purification: Rosemary is thought to have strong purifying properties. Smudging with rosemary is believed to cleanse a space or person of negative energies, making way for positive vibes and a fresh start.
  • Protection: Many traditions use rosemary for its protective qualities. Smudging with rosemary is thought to create a protective barrier around a person, space, or object, guarding against negativity, harm, and unwanted influences.
  • Enhancing Memory and Concentration: Rosemary has long been associated with memory and mental clarity. Smudging with rosemary can be used to enhance focus, boost memory, and clear mental fog, making it a popular choice for students or those needing to concentrate.
  • Promoting Calm and Peace: The calming scent of rosemary can help reduce stress and anxiety. Smudging with rosemary is often used to create a peaceful and tranquil environment, promoting relaxation and emotional balance.
  • Spiritual Connection and Intuition: Some believe that rosemary can enhance spiritual awareness and intuition. Smudging with rosemary may be used during meditation, prayer, or other spiritual practices to deepen one’s connection to the spiritual realm and enhance intuitive abilities.
  • Love and Friendship: Rosemary is sometimes associated with love and friendship. Smudging with rosemary can be used to attract loving energy, strengthen bonds between friends and loved ones, and promote harmonious relationships.

Overall, smudging with rosemary is a versatile practice that can be tailored to meet various spiritual and energetic needs.

Dragon's Blood Resin (Drecaena Sp.)

Dragon’s Blood Resin, derived from the sap of various plants in the Dracaena and Daemonorops genera, is known for its potent spiritual properties. Here are some of the key spiritual benefits and uses of smudging with Dragon’s Blood Resin:

  • Protection: Dragon’s Blood is believed to create a protective barrier around spaces and individuals, warding off negative energies, psychic attacks, and unwanted spiritual influences.
  • Purification: It is commonly used in cleansing rituals to purify spaces, objects, and individuals, removing lingering negativity and promoting a sense of clarity and renewal.
  • Amplification of Intentions: When used in spells or rituals, Dragon’s Blood is thought to enhance the power of other herbs and ingredients, amplifying the user’s intentions and increasing the effectiveness of the work.
  • Grounding: Its earthy and strong aroma is said to help ground energy, making it beneficial for meditation, centering practices, and establishing a stable, balanced state.
  • Love and Romance: Dragon’s Blood is also associated with love and passion. It is sometimes used in rituals to attract love, enhance sexual energy, and strengthen relationships.
  • Healing: Its healing properties are often invoked in rituals aimed at physical and emotional healing, providing support during times of recovery and transformation.
  • Spiritual Growth: Smudging with Dragon’s Blood is believed to aid in spiritual growth and development, helping individuals connect with their higher selves and gain deeper insights during spiritual practices.

When smudging with Dragon’s Blood Resin, it is typically burned on a charcoal disc in a heat-proof dish, allowing the fragrant smoke to permeate the space. As with any spiritual practice, it’s important to set clear intentions and approach the ritual with respect and mindfulness.

Sweetgrass (Hierochloe odorata)

Sweetgrass (Hierochloe odorata), also commonly known as holy grass, vanilla grass, or buffalo grass. Sweetgrass, often used in smudging and other spiritual practices, holds significant cultural and spiritual importance, particularly among Indigenous peoples in North America. Here are some of its key spiritual properties:


  • Purification: Sweetgrass is commonly used to purify spaces, objects, and individuals. Its smoke is believed to cleanse negative energies and create a sacred space.


  • Healing: The sweet, vanilla-like fragrance of sweetgrass is associated with healing. It is often used in ceremonies aimed at physical, emotional, and spiritual healing.


  • Attracting Positive Energies: Sweetgrass is thought to attract positive energies and good spirits. It’s often used after the smudging of sage or other herbs that remove negative energies, helping to bring in positivity.


  • Connection to the Earth: Sweetgrass is considered a gift from the Earth and is often used to honor and connect with the natural world. It represents Mother Earth’s hair in some traditions and symbolizes the interconnectedness of all living things.


  • Balance and Harmony: The use of sweetgrass in spiritual practices is believed to promote balance and harmony, both within the individual and in their environment. It helps in aligning one’s energies with the universe.


  • Prayer and Meditation: The scent of sweetgrass is often used to enhance prayer and meditation, helping to focus the mind and open the heart.


  • Protection: Sweetgrass is sometimes used as a protective agent, guarding against negative influences and energies.


Each of these properties highlights the importance of sweetgrass in various spiritual and cultural traditions, making it a powerful tool for those seeking to enhance their spiritual practices.