New Store Front

Applegarth Apothecary has a new feature on the front of the store. Two lighted obelisks that are more than decorative. They contain symbolism that we wish to convey to all our customers.

In the summer flowers will spill out of the boxes. But until then, learn their alchemical significance.

You have probably seen this symbology of the Sun and the Moon used before. But as most ancient philosophies that permeate our lives, their meaning is seldomly understood.

The Pillars of the temple symbolize the Body and Spirit, the negative and positive poles of life. Those who would enter the temple must pass between the pillars. Every extreme is dangerous. It is the point between the poles that is safe to stand upon. One cannot enter the temple by the development of either the Body or Spirit, but only by equal development of both. This is the realization of the Mind/Soul.

The right pillar is called Jachin and means Mercy. It represents the Energy of Creation. It is masculine in principle and symbolized by the Sun.

The left pillar is termed Boaz and means Severity. It represents the Matter of Creation. It is feminine in principle and is symbolized by the Moon.

Old Testament Temple of Solomon

In alchemy, the upward and downward facing triangle denote the polarity. Upward is positive and downward is negative.

The Circle represents all of creation. It is infinitely large and small at the same instance; ever expanding and inwardly collapsing.

Moon, Matter, Negative Polarity
Sun, Energy, Positive Polarity

Within the triangles are the symbols for the Sun and The Moon. The circle centered on a point within the upward pointing triangle represents the sun and is also the alchemical symbol for gold. The crescent moon is within the triangle pointing down.

By passing between the two pillars, one becomes a self-realized individual. “As Above, So Below.”